Beyhan 2 Dam and HEPP Project is going to be located at an air distance of 6 km to the east of Palu district center. The project will be the last dam project to be constructed upstream of Keban Dam and HEPP on the Murat River, and will contribute 747.10 GWh annually in meeting the energy demand of Turkey.

The dam body of the Beyhan 2 Project will be constructed as a clay core embankment dam with a height of 64.5 m from the foundation and 47.5 m from the thalweg. The dam body will have a total fill volume of 1,200,000 m³ and a crest length of 340 m.

In Beyhan 2 Project, there will be two powerhouses, one of which will be located downstream of the dam body and the other one at the end of the energy tunnels. The powerhouse next to the dam body will have lower installed capacity, and will house 1 small unit (17.70 MWe) which will be operated by the environmental flow to be released to the river bed to maintain the wildlife. The powerhouse to be located at the end of the energy tunnels will have higher installed capacity, housing 3 main (3 x 103.00 MWe) units.

The water required for the powerhouse with higher installed capacity will be transferred via a water intake structure and energy tunnels  with a total length of 3,000 m and diameter of 9.50 m to be constructed on the left bank.

The radial-gated spillway structure will be located on the left bank of the dam body, and will have a discharge capacity of 10,500 m³/s.

CompanyKalehan Murat Enerji Üretim A.Ş.
License NoEÜ/5017-2/03123 – 21.05.2014
Installed Capacity333.83 MWm / 326.70 MWe
Total Energy747.10 GWh
Design Discharge869.00 m³/s
Gross Head43.90 m
Net Head42.40 m
Crest Elevation912.50 m
Flood Water Level908.32 m
Operation Level905.00 m
Minimum Water Level902.00 m
Thalweg Elevation865.00 m
Tailwater Elevation861.00 m